there was yumminess to be had on christmas in cheltenham this year. to start the morning out right, we had my grandfather's christmas morning casserole. it has the perfect balance of egginess, cheesiness and sausage and is enhanced by a secret ingredient. i think my grandparents might kill me if i posted the recipe on the internet, so you just get a picture:
christmas dinner was a fabulous stuffed beef tenderloin (uk speak: beef fillet). dave and i have often complained that there's no good beef in england, but i have to say that this proved our theory wrong. if you pay an arm and a leg for a butcher to cut you a good cut of meat and then you cook it at home (so as to avoid a restaurant cooking all the flavor out of it), you CAN have a great steak in the uk!
this is another recipe i'm not allowed to share on the internet, but here are some pictures:
the goods |
thank goodness for cooking twine |
ready to go! |
the final product! |
as an aside, this stuff makes just about the best leftover beef sandwich you can imagine:
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